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Geschichtenfenster – lauschen und entdecken
Landesmuseum Zürich
Landesmuseum Zürich


«Einige Herren sagten etwas dazu». Die Autorinnen …
Nicole Seifert
Literaturhaus Basel, Barfüssergasse


Lesung aus – «Mr. Goebbels Jazz Band»
Demian Lienhard


Taschenbuchvernissage DÜRRST
Simon Froehling, Nino Gadient & Special Guests
Chez Nous


Mitteilung 2024-04-22 [Die Frauen der Gruppe 47 – Literaturhaus Basel]: Im Literaturhaus dreht sich am 24.4.24 alles um die Frauen der Gruppe 47. Und darum, warum sie heute so gut wie vergessen sind.


Mitteilung 2024-04-18 [Literatur Parade Turin]: Deutschsprachige Literatur als Ehrengast der Internationalen Buchmesse in Turin.


Mitteilung 2024-04-15 [Binding Preis Chrysalide 2024]: 2024 schreibt die Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung erstmals den Binding Preis Chrysalide aus.


Mitteilung 2024-04-11 [Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis 2024]: An den Solothurner Literaturtagen wird auch heuer der Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis verliehen.


Mitteilung 2024-04-08 [Rotpunktverlag – Wemakeit]: Der Rotpunktverlag ist in finanzieller Not und braucht Hilfe.


Mitteilung 2024-04-05 [W.-G.-Sebald-Literaturpreis 2024]: W.-G.-Sebald-Literaturpreis 2024 – bis 30.4.24 einsenden.

Reading tip

Pierre-Alain Tâche, L'Etat des lieux: The triptych «l'Etat des lieux» occupies a central place in the work of Pierre-Alain Tâche, which spans a period of more than fifty years. In an inventory of places, landscapes and reminiscences about literature, art and mythology, the poet rekindles a sense for the immediacy of life, between disillusionment, hidden irony and light-heartedness, even if that immediacy is only a dream. Our presence in the world becomes more concrete in contact with works far removed from it, in that they impose a limit on the duration of our fleeting absence. In a rhythm that is at once languid and tense, the poems of Pierre-Alain Tâche, which are often interspersed with short sections of prose, make time slow down. None of the books really form the centre of the triptych, nor are they the beginning or end. Any possible chronology is disrupted by a thousand different readings, forming a spiral that expands in all directions rather than a narrative of the past. In spite of the continual failure that eats away at any unshakeable adherence to the world, the poet continues to write, to «conserve the deep-rooted song» by «biding one’s time», all the while wondering at the impenetrability of the world. (Françoise Delorme, transl. by Andrea Mason Willfratt)

Reading tip

Robert Walser (Text), Käthi Bhend (Ill.), Einer, der nichts merkte: The yarn of Robert Walser’s ultra-short stories is spun from everyday life and woven effortlessly together, as if by a child. The tapestries tell of the fragility of life and yet report on real odds and ends. Käthi Bhend captures these aspects wonderfully in her illustrations of the stories of a certain Mister Binggeli – a man who stopped taking notice of anything because he «couldn’t care less.» He was simply «thoughtless and empty,» so that he didn’t even notice how he lost his own head.

Reading tip

Matthias Zschokke, Der Mann mit den zwei Augen: He has two eyes and a nose: that's about all the main character reveals about himself in Matthias Zschokke's novel. He seems unremarkable, but still it's impossible to overlook him. "I will be wearing a coat, sand-coloured, and in my left hand I will probably be holding a small, sandy-coloured suitcase. I am of average height, have averagelength sand-coloured hair, and on my right will be a woman, about a head shorter than me, and whom you might as well picture as sandy-coloured too. We can't miss each other." Although he works as a court reporter, the man with two eyes has a strong aversion to anything unusual. He clearly prefers things to be normal and ordinary – and it is in that very ordinariness that he discovers the unusual, the beautiful, the sad, and the comical. He finds it everywhere: in a café or on the street, whether he is meeting strangers or acquaintances, whether he is on the move or at home with his wife, whom he met and fell in love with years ago at choir practice. Funny or tragic? What may at first seem banal, on closer inspection reveals hidden depths of meaning. Both Matthias Zschokke's novel and his protagonist inhabit the two extremes. In his writing, Zschokke is a master of the twists and turns, placing events and characters under a bright light in which they lose their familiarity and become extraordinary.

New releases

Lukas Hartmann: Martha und die Ihren. Diogenes Verlag.

New releases

Hugo Loetscher: So wenig Buchstaben und so viel Welt. Diogenes Verlag.


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